AI or Human – which way do I go?


The modern job market is fiercely competitive, and crafting a compelling resume is no longer optional, it’s a given.  In today’s digital world, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) play a crucial role in resume screening.

Resumes need to be optimised for these systems by including relevant keywords from the job description. Why do we know this, because Foot in the Door has developed it’s own Applicant Tracking System which many organisations utilise to manage and grade their candidates, and to streamline their talent pool. This means your resume needs to be keyword-rich, concise, and formatted to include well targeted language which fulfils the employer’s expectations, and of course the job listing.

Through more than 20 years servicing the employment market with interview winning resumes, one thing the writers at Foot in the Door have deduced is the need to understand the job seeker’s background, goals, and aspirations. This is crucial for crafting a truly personal and impactful resume.

There really is no substitute for the experience gained from problem-solving techniques and realisation of the job seekers best attributes to put forward the best overall ‘package’ as a candidate.
There’s no doubt that even AI in its infancy is a useful tool to create one’s own narrative, but often it can lead to homogeny from one candidate to another, and thereby potentially a lack of differentiation from one like candidate to the next.

So, can AI fully replace a human resume writer with 20 years experience?- the answer is maybe, maybe not. If the artificial intelligence was programmed by an experienced writer who has learnt how to adapt to an ever changing workplace and its myriad expectations of the employer. It might be cliche to suggest that nothing remains the same for too long in this ‘modern world’ but really it has never been more apparent. This includes workplace language, jargon, and a more than reasonable grasp on industry select tools and software which many vocations rely on.
On one hand AI could readily formulate a generic resume template if the applicant was on a linear trajectory from the moment they stepped out of primary school. Moreover any given applicant has junctures in their life for any number of reasons. Not withstanding this, the art of a stand-out resume is highlighting ones achievements. An experienced human writer can tailor a resume to the individual’s unique story and experiences, something AI might struggle with.

With the human element, the one guarantee is that you receive personalised attention and support, which ideally helps job seekers develop a compelling personal brand to enable the development of a unique selling proposition. Our writers facilitate a deeper understanding of a candidate’s unique story, ensuring a job candidate’s resume reflects their true essence and aspirations.
When our clients come to us, they are under all sorts of circumstances. Some are just entering the workforce, some have been out of paid employment for more than half their adult lifetime, some recovering from a life changing situation, and some merely changing direction for the benefit of their own well being or fiscal requirements.

In short, collaborating with a real human writer may save a lot of guesswork and subsequent time wasting, but result in an authentic representation of skills, a truly original resume and resulting in a more confident job search experience.  Maybe when job seekers start to leave personalised authentic testimonials for AI assisted resumes there might not be a use for the human touch, but in the meantime…