Terms of Service

Your Privacy

What Data We Collect and How We Use It

Our site uses contact forms for clients to request a Free Resume Review or information about our career services.

As a provider of professional career services, it is necessary for Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals to ask our clients for personal and professional information – such as their education, employment history, company names, achievements, contact details and data typically included in documents – such as a resume, cover letter or selection criteria – used for seeking employment. This information is used solely to create documents that the client has entered into an agreement with us to create on their behalf. As a client service, in case of loss of originals, we keep these documents permanently by maintaining physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of your personally identifiable customer information. Documents are only accessed on the client’s request to email originals due to loss or to update resume documents with fresh information.

SSL Site Certificate

We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software to encrypt the information you enter on our site in order to protect its security during transmission to and from our site. Financial information is not collected or held on our website or by Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals, the Managing Director or the owner of this site. Information given by customers is transacted solely through financial services organisations such as PayPal and PIN Payments.

Third Parties

Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals does not share your information with any other person or business. We also do not provide our clients’ names or email addresses as references for our services to any potential new client requesting this information. We do not send resumes to recruiters or employers unless the client provides written agreement for us to do so in the event of a job vacancy that suits their skills and experience. Information entered in our online contact forms will only be used to respond directly to our client’s request and will not be used for any other purpose.

Links to Other Sites

As a convenience to you, Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals may provide on this site links to websites operated by other entities. If you use these sites you will be choosing to leave this site. If you decide to visit any linked site you do so at your own risk, and it is your responsibility to take all protective measures to guard against viruses or other destructive elements. Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals makes no warranty or representation regarding, and does not endorse, any linked websites or the information appearing thereon or any of the products or services described thereon. Links do not imply that Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals endorses, is affiliated or associated with, or is legally authorised to use any trademark, trade name, logo or copyright symbol displayed in or accessible through the links, or that any linked site is authorised to use any trademark, trade name, logo or copyright symbol of Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals.

Engaging Our Services

Upon engaging our professional services, you, the Client agree to accept our Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to change our Terms and Conditions at any time and without notice, and your continued use of our services following any change shall be deemed your acceptance of such change. It is your responsibility to check our Terms and Conditions regularly for changes.

Development Process and Timeliness

At your initial consultation with your Career Consultant you will be asked to sign – in person or via email – our “Agreement to Engage Services”. This agreement clearly outlines payment procedures; our development processes including the collection of your information and estimated timeframes for the preparation of initial drafts for feedback and edits. All work will be completed in a timely manner subject to force majeure events including extreme weather, equipment failure, power failure, contamination, acts or war, health related events and other circumstances beyond Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals’s control.

Project Deadlines

Unless other arrangements are made, the client agrees to finalise the resume and other contracted documents and services (or accept work as written) within seven (7) days from the date of receipt of the first draft. If no further changes are requested, then the final draft is classed and accepted as FINAL. The client also agrees that he or she is solely responsible for meeting this deadline and that Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals is neither liable nor responsible for incorporating any changes requested by the client after the expiration of the 7-day window. Additionally, a significant departure from the original draft provided will incur additional fees as this constitutes a completely different document and viewed by Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals as a different resume/document.

Intellectual Property Rights

Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals retains intellectual property ownership of all work produced. All work is carefully composed to ensure individuals are marketed effectively against strict and unique criteria based on the requirements of the advertised role and/or industry as well as distinctive personal and professional characteristics. Clients may use documents at their discretion except for plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined by providing career documents to other persons/entities for their use (whole or part) or for the purpose/intent of plagiarism, which is prohibited by law and subject to legal action. This policy protects the integrity and quality of Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals’s professional writing, each client’s right to have an individually crafted resume, and a potential third party from an unsuccessful marketing strategy not tailored specifically to their skills and experience. Clients may edit their own documents and distribute via any form of electronic transmission.

Limitation of Liability

Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals is not liable for information obtained from a client that is inaccurate or incorrect. Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals does not research or investigate any information given by the client and assumes the client has been truthful in all areas. Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals’s liability is limited to completion of contracted work. The client will indemnify and hold Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals, the Managing Director and all contracted consultants free and harmless from any obligations, costs, claims, judgements, or legal fees arising from, growing out of, or in any way connected with the services rendered to the client under the terms of this agreement.


Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals does not guarantee job placement, nor employment success. Our clients’ successes are directly dependent upon the effort, commitment, and diligence they put into fully integrating the documents Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals has composed with best practice job search strategies. Outcomes and successes are affected by many external variables including market volatility, local and national economies, market saturation for a specific industry, and a client’s level of experience, adaptability to workforce changes, skill sets, or continued motivation.

Client Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the client, and in the client’s best interests, to supply Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals with all requested information and to work collaboratively to complete career documents that reflect the individual’s style, strengths, and career history. Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals relies on active client participation in this process to achieve the best outcome possible for all concerned.

Electronic Files

Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals cannot guarantee the compatibility of computer files with client systems or that documents will retain their original formatting features. Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals offers a professional resume writing and career development service and is unable to help with computer training services. Due to the varying nature of computer word processing software and the page alterations that can take place from computer to computer, based on printer and computer recognition, Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals cannot guarantee that documents will appear perfectly on every computer or printer. While Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals takes every step to ensure client satisfaction, some issues are beyond Foot in the Door – Resume Professionals’s control and require the client to research and find solutions independently which may include the client purchasing the correct software to conduct their job search.